Sunday, December 7, 2008

Forged By Fire Chapters 17 and 18

In chapter 17 Jordan is back in their life. Gerald and Angel were with Rob and hsi little sister Kiara. That's Angel's best friend. They were at Gerald's basketball game. Later on in the story it was Angel's dance retical. The whole family was there expect Jordan. She did a good job and the Washingtons were there to see her dance also. In chapter 18 Jordan moved back in with Gerald, Monique, and Angel. He hasn't did anything wrong in 5 months. Gerald was afraid of leaving Angel there by herself. He thought something was going to happen again. I think that Gerald is a good brother beacsue he always watches out for his little sister. Angel was sitting in the dark when Gerald found her. The lights were cut off. Monique was out doing some errands when they heard sirens. They went out side and they saw someone lying on the ground. The policeman asked did anyone know who the women was and it was Monique.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Forged By Fire chapters 16

In chapter 16 Jordan looked older and harder, and anggrier.Monique was happy and fixed Jordan a steak dinner and apple pie. Angel was crushed. She ran to her room and cried.Gerald was angry and told Jordan that he aint staying here. Jordan said that the court said he could come back. He claims he is a new man. Then he said he is taking Monique out tonight. Gerald told his mom that Jordan cannoy stay there and she said well at least not for now. Gerald called Rob to ask for his dad. Gerald told him what happend and Mr. Washington said if anything happend to call him. He said make sure you kept a eye on Jordan and write down what he does. Angel started throwing up again.

Forged By Fire chapters 14 and 15

In this chapter Angel loves to dance. She can't live without music because everything she did was like a music video. Gerald said life was still hard becasue their mother slept all day and didn't go to work. They moved four times in five years. Angel is twelve and thin and shy. Gerald was seventeen and big and strong and did work for money. Gerald in in highschool and he says he has a few good friends.Mr. Washington still called every fewmonths to check on Gerald and Angel. Monique had found a new job and was in a happy mood. Gerald was not happy she found a new job because when she got a new job she went out to celebrate and that wasn't a good thing. Angel wanted to go to this six week dance program at her school. Monique said she could go and Angel was so happy.She was picked out of two hundred dancers at her school. In chapter 15 Gerald is with his friends at school. his friends are Andy,Rob,Tyrone, and B.J. They went to this all you can eat restaurant. They sang on the tables and made more money than they had at the moment. A man who worked there said"Enjoy your youth, my young friends. Tomorrow it may be gone". They forgot about the man's wisdom. Angel got the lead part in her dance at school . She was so excited.When she got home her heart dropped into her chest because Jordan was sitting on the sofa.

Forged By Fire Chapters 12 and 13

In chapter 12 Jordan stayed home with Angel again. He aslo took her cat again. He picked her up and kicked open the bedroom door and placed her softly on the bed. He didnt't realize that Gerald had came into the apartment. Gerald went into Angel's room with two police officers and they arrested Jordan. Angel was scared at first because she stiil thought that Jordan was going to kill her cat. Then she was relieved when she found out he was going to jail. She also thought it was her fault that Jordan was in trouble. When her mother got there she didn't believe her children. She is not and independent women. She relies on Jordan to support her mentally and she doesn't use her on brain. In chapter 13 The were in court and Gerlad said he couldn't have made it without Mr. Washington. Monique was being mean to Angel and yelling at her for the smallest things. Monique made sure that she looked good for Jordan because he haven't saw her in a long time. Shw wasn't worried about her kids. Angel was getting therapy fot the dreams she was having about Jordan. Gerald was the first to testify. He told them hoe Angel told him that Jordan was touching her and beating on the whole family. So then Angel's turn came and they had a doll for her so she could show the jury were Jodan had touched her. Monique kept giving them evil glares though out the whole proceeding. Mr. Washington was there the whole time and Gerald couldn't believe that. Mr. Washington is a good man. Jordan was found gulity of all counts and was sentenced to six to ten years in prison. They were so happy and the caseworker said that they still had to live with their mother.

Forged By Fire Chapter 11

In this chapter Gerald felt bad about leaving Angel at home without him there. He told hos mom that he thinks she's getting worse. Angel didn't sleep goog at all that night, she tossed and turned and Gerald woke her up and asked her how does she feel. She said that she always feels cold and dead inside. Gerald asked her was Jordan touching her and she didn;t admit at first but she finally told him. Angel said don't leave me here with Jordan and he said he's going to take care of her. He left earlier that morning ang Monique just shrugged it off. She didn't even check and see if Angel was feeling better. I think that was mean of her. What if Angel died would Monique regret not checking on her. It would have been all her fault. He was sitting on the curb when hie friend Robbie walked up. He was just talking to him thwn Robbie's dad Mr. Washington walked up because he saw that something was wrong with Gerald.Gerald just broke down and told him everything he knew. Mr. Washington then told Gerald he would help and took him to back home and also called the police.

Forged By Fire chapters 10

In Chapter 10 in Forged By Fire Gerald broke Angel's bed to were she would have to sleep in Gerald's room at night. Well o ne day Angel had got the chicken pots and she had to stay home with her mother. Angel loves her cat tiger. She would almost do anything for that cat. Her mother had to go back to work so Jordan said he would watch her. Angel woke up and felt that Tiger was gone. She was so terrified. Jordan was sitting on her bed the whole time. He said iff she didn't do what he wanted he was gone burn the cat alive. The cat was in the oven. Jordan is a heartless man and proably would have really burnt the cat because he's not remorseful. Jordan than began to feel on Ange's body and telling her he can do whatever he wants because he's her daddy. He said if she told anybody he was going to roast her cat alive and cook it. She was shaking and scared and sat there and wept until her big brother got home. Monique needs to realize that her husband is hurting her on flesh and blood and she needs to do something about it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Forged by Fire chapter 9

In this chapter It is christams and Gerald is remembering when Aunt Queen cooked for the family. He said he doesn't smell anything cooking this year and he is sad. He was in the living room with his mother and sister and he asked his mother a question. He asked why don't we just leave Jordan and move somewhere else. She got mad and tore the plug out the socket. they were listening to music before that. She got mad at Gerald for suggesting something that would be good for the family. Well she will soon find out that her son was right all along. Gerald is still watching over Angel. He went to get them a christmas tree. A little one so Jordan wouldn't say anything. He also broke Angel's bed so she could sleep in his room. He could watch her better that way.

Forged By Fire Chapters 6 -8

In the chapters 6-8 Monique Gerald's mom came bcak into jis life. He found out he had a little sister name Angel. His mom and stepfather left for a while and left Angel with aunt Queen. While they were gone she had a heart attack and died. So now Gerald has to move in with his mom and stepfather. The lived in an apartment. Angel is getting abused by her dad. he beats on everyone in the house. Gerald is so sad that aunt Queen is gone. Now he protacts Angel any chance he gets. His mother thinks that everthing is ok. I think she is scared. She doesn't want to admit it because she doesn't ant him to leave her. For christmas they didn't anything but a cat. Angel named her Tiger. I think he was just doing that to try to make Angel start to like him again and startt messing with her again. He is a really sick man and Monique needs to step up, be a women and leave that low life of a man.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony is the daughter of 22 year old Casey Anthony. She is 2 years old. She was said to be missing two months before her third birthday in June. Casey didn't report Caylee missing until about a month later. The grandmother then called the police and told them the story. She said that the car smelled like a dead body was in the truck. Casey said that Caylee was with the babysitter while she was at work and when she got back they were gone. She said she
was looking for them for a month. The police came into action and started looking in the truck. Forensics found that the hair in the truck was of a decomposing body. The police said that the hair was Caylee and DNA evidence says that a corpse was in the truck. Investigators say that Casey kept lying. If charged she will face aggravated manslaughter, aggravated child abuse, and four counts for lying to the investigators. She was also charged with first degree murder.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Forged by fire chapters 4 and 5

Today we read chapers 4 and 5 in Forged By Fire and Gerald just found out that his mother is coming to see him. He was suprised because he hasn't seen her in a long time . He said that he faded her out of his memory. Gerald's birthday was coming up and he wanted a red bicycle for his birthday. He said he didnt care if it was new or old he just wanted a bike. Well the day before his birthday his Aunt Queen told him that his mother was coming to visit him on his birthday. His aunt knew that this was hard on him so she told him to go look in the garage for something then to his suprise he found a brand new shiny bike. The next day his aunt told him to get up beacuse his mother was there. So he got dressed and walked out into the kitchen. His mother wasn't the only one sitting at the breakfast table. He saw a man wearing cowboy boots. He was standing there like time was frozen. His mother Monique brought him back to reality and said "hi " to him . Then he saw a little girl who Sharon described as looking as a glass doll. She was Gerald's younger sister. Aunt Queen then started telling Gerald about how his little sister Angel came about. He was in denial he didn't believe he had a sister. Aunt Queen told Gerald his mother was released from jail a year ago. And she was back on track and was married to the man with the cowboys boots name Jordan. I think that Jordan beats Gerald's mother. He said that Angel's eyes look like the cried many times. Then his mother just blurted out and asked if Gerald wanted to move in with them and Aunt Queen was outranged. She told her that the time wasn't right and that she should wait. I think something going to happen to Aunt Queen because I just have the feeling that somethinds going to happen

Thursday, November 6, 2008

forged by fire chapter 3 and 4

Today in the book forged by fire we read that gerald was living with his aunt queen for about six years. So now gerald is nine years old. He plays with himself and made a go-cart. He was ridng down his Aunt's ramp and she was getting mad at first but then let him do what he wanted. One day he was going down the ramp and he went down the last time and his go-cart wheel fell off.He was in the middle of the street. A Cadillac and a Ford were coming down the street. He then ran into some garbage cans ans the lady out the green ford helped him to his house. His aunt was really upset with him. He promised not to ever do that again. Then one day his aunt told him that his mother was coming to visit him. He was so shocked and didn't know what to think. I think that he should see his mother. I know he really misses her and can't wait to see her. He is just really confused now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Forged By Fire

Forged By Fire written by Sharon m. Draper is talking about how a boy name Gerald is getting abused by his mother. His mother is addicted to drugs and is a big time druggie in her neighborhood. She says she teaches him lessons by hitting and burning him. I personally think thats wrong. Gerald is so confused because some days his mother is nice and other days she is mean and abusive. He doesn't know which mother he is going to get that day. A man name Leroy sells the drugs to his mother. His mother burned the palm of his hand because he was playing with her lighter. She claims that will teach him a lesson. Well one day she left him alone in the house and it was starting to get dark and he was bored so he started palying with his G.I joe she bought him. He started playing with the lighter and set the house on fire. His Aunt Queen came and took him from the hospital and she is going to start taking care of him. His mother was getting charged for leaving her son and abusing him. I think his mother has alot of personal problems that she needs to take care of. It was wrong of her to bring a child in this world and know she is not stable enough to take care of him. She should have least gave him to her Aunt when he was small so he wouldn't have to go though all that at the age of three.